Jun 13, 2023 | Bird Alert!
Have you noticed a sweet scent wafting past your nose as you walk in our neighborhood and wondered if spring is around the corner? This wonderful aroma most likely comes from the fragrant winter flowering shrubs like the tiny white flowers of the Sweetbox...
Jun 13, 2023 | Bird Alert!
The Great Blue Heron, a smartly dressed bird in a blue grey suit, gracious and tall! Long legs trailing behind their body as they fly, their head pulled back in an “S” shape against their shoulders, with smooth deliberate wingbeats, usually flying solo, this makes...
Jun 13, 2017 | Bird Alert!
Last week I found a pair of Bewick’s wrens nesting right next to the back door under our patio cover. They were not too impressed when we decided to have lunch outside and the parents started scolding us or the harsh weessh weesh was meant to tell their...