Burns Bog Nature Reserve, Delta BC
From Highway 91 take 64th Ave exit or 72nd Ave exit Meet at the roadside parking on Westview drive close to 72th Ave. Meet at 9:30 sharp. Coffee at Safeway's Starbucks after walk.
From Highway 91 take 64th Ave exit or 72nd Ave exit Meet at the roadside parking on Westview drive close to 72th Ave. Meet at 9:30 sharp. Coffee at Safeway's Starbucks after walk.
Meet at the parking lot, past the boat ramp, at 9:30 sharp. Spy for eagles, seals in the Fraser and other signs of Spring! Coffee at the Riverhouse. 6255 River Road delta BC http://www.metrovancouver.org/services/parks/parks-greenways-reserves/deas-island-regional-park
Meet at the parking lot just left of 72nd street and Ladner Trunk Rd at 9:30 sharp.
Meet at the parking area along the street 125A and Colebrook Elementary school and we will leave at 9:30 sharp. We will walk trails in forest and some in neighborhoods and then head back to a yet undetermined coffee stop.
Meet at the parking lot at the boat launch and Stewart Farm,( 13723 Crescent Road), at 9:30 sharp. Coffee at Belle's Cafe at 140th.
Meet at my house for a neighborhood walk and coffee and light lunch after...
Meet at Mud Bay parking lot at 9:30 sharp, watch for the dunlins flying in murmuration!
Meet at the parking lot off Crescent Road and 129tbh street at 9:30 sharp we will leave. Listen for the Kinglets and the changes in the forest, perhaps some mushrooms to spy...... Coffee at Belle"s?
Meet at the small parking lot or roadside off Colebrook Road and 192nd street (turning east on Colebrook) at 9:30 sharp we will leave. Coffee at 'One up Cafe"... Be prepared to dress for rain.
Meet at the parking lot past the boat dock parking lot. We will leave at 9:30 sharp. Listen to birds, watch for signs of Spring! https://www.vancouvertrails.com/trails/deas-island-regional-park/
Meet at the parking lot at 4600 block of King George Highway, at Art Knapps. We will leave at 9:30 sharp.