Something About Cedars

The cedar trees in our area of South Surrey are one of 30 species, belonging to the pine, cypress and other coniferous cone bearing evergreen families. Thuja Plicata is our native Western Red Cedar and is a member of this group. They are “monoecious”, which means that...

Invasive Species

What is an invasive species? An invasive species is an introduced organism that can negatively alters its new environment (Wikipedia). Many invasive plants (nonnative / exotic) have been introduced from other parts of the world and can cause a negative impact on...

Orchids at Watershed Park??!!

Rush Rush Rush!!  We are always in a rush…  In Watershed Park Surrey BC, a perfect place to unwind, to walk with friend or dog.  It`s cool and shady beneath the canopy of maples, firs and cedars. The sounds of birds chattering, wood peckers pecking and calling...

Did you know this?

The slowest animal on earth is the three toed sloth, which has an average speed of 0.16 km/h..!   The average lifespan of a dragonfly is 24 hrs!   The butterfly was original called a”flutterby”!   A cockroach can survive a week without...

What a beauty!!

This morning on my windy walk on the Delta dyke (112th) as a wandered out to the water across the swampy shore I spotted a beautiful  painted caterpillar on a plant, it was the Black Swallowtail caterpillar! It’s caterpillar is light brownish and white when...