Mule Deer (Odocoilus hemonius columbianus)

The first time I came “face to face” with a mule deer was when I had just ventured out into our garden, walking toward the back fence and was met with a surprised look from a deer as it stood on my side of the fence. It was checking out the vegetable garden beneath...

Raccoons (Procyon LOTOR)

THE SECURITY GUARD  A few years ago, we had a dog named Toby, a black lab mix, a great security guard she was. She would bark to tell us when there was an animal or human intruder. One night she would not stop barking, we could not see or hear anything and told her to...

Did you know this?

The slowest animal on earth is the three toed sloth, which has an average speed of 0.16 km/h..!   The average lifespan of a dragonfly is 24 hrs!   The butterfly was original called a”flutterby”!   A cockroach can survive a week without...