Raccoons (Procyon LOTOR)

THE SECURITY GUARD  A few years ago, we had a dog named Toby, a black lab mix, a great security guard she was. She would bark to tell us when there was an animal or human intruder. One night she would not stop barking, we could not see or hear anything and told her to...

Nature Notes from South Surrey

Have you noticed a sweet scent wafting past your nose as you walk in our neighborhood and wondered if spring is around the corner? This wonderful aroma most likely comes from the fragrant winter flowering shrubs like the tiny white flowers of the Sweetbox...


Wild Rabbits also known as Eastern cottontail (sylvilages floridanus)    Adored by some, unwanted by others…   The cottontaiI is the most common rabbit species in North America. It is abundant in Midwest North America and so- called due to their little white...


In Country Woods, South Surrey BC,  we mainly see and/or hear the barred owl. The barred owl is also called a “hoot owl” and can be recognized by its distinctive call: “Who, who, who cooks for you?” This owl is active both during the day and the night. Half of all owl...

Poison Sumac

Poison sumac (Rhus Vernix or Toxicodendron) This shrub like tree can grow up to 20 feet tall, it has two parallel sets of leaves 7 to 13 on each leaf stem and the leaves are up to 4 inches long, with one at the very end making it an uneven number of leaves. It’s tiny...