
What are lichens? Lichens are not mosses. Lichens are classified as fungi. A lichen is a symbiotic relationship between a fungus and a cyanotic bacteria and an algae. They work together in symbiosis, the fungus supplies the protection from uv rays and can store water,...

Signs of Spring in February!!!

Due to the warm temperatures of the last few weeks, we now can enjoy early blossoms and bud formation in certain plants. One of the earliest ones are the yellow and red whitch hazel in our neighborhood. Most pink flowering Rhododendrons are already open. The fragrant...

Poison Sumac

Poison sumac (Rhus Vernix or Toxicodendron) This shrub like tree can grow up to 20 feet tall, it has two parallel sets of leaves 7 to 13 on each leaf stem and the leaves are up to 4 inches long, with one at the very end making it an uneven number of leaves. It’s tiny...

Something About Cedars

The cedar trees in our area of South Surrey are one of 30 species, belonging to the pine, cypress and other coniferous cone bearing evergreen families. Thuja Plicata is our native Western Red Cedar and is a member of this group. They are “monoecious”, which means that...

Invasive Species

What is an invasive species? An invasive species is an introduced organism that can negatively alters its new environment (Wikipedia). Many invasive plants (nonnative / exotic) have been introduced from other parts of the world and can cause a negative impact on...

Welcome the Monarch Butterflies to your garden!!!

While you are buying your bedding plants in the coming days or weeks, make sure to look for Milkweed plants, if you want to attract these gorgeous creatures!! Milkweed is becoming harder and harder to find, because these plants are not welcomed by farmers in their...